GROUP 52 - Music Video 2008/9: Detailed shot by shot

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Detailed shot by shot

  1. Zoom out from close up of eye to girl laying on bed (location girls bedroom)
  2. Eyes and head slightly turn left to look out of the window.
  3. Out of window shot - sun moving rising and falling, clouds moving (shot will be sped up)
  4. Turns head back to face the camera (birds eye view)
  5. Girls eyes close slowly (close up shot)
  6. Happy memories (people sitting around table, camera circiling around the table showing each person laughing and joking.)
  7. Back to girl, eyes tighted (close up)
  8. Shpt back to happy memories side veiw of girl sipping drink smiling at someone across the table.
  9. Gut nodding his head and raising his glass to the girl (flirtatiosly. (close shot)
  10. Girl laughing (side veiw as before) raising glass.
  11. Back to girl on the bed (eyes open up with tears) close up shot
  12. zoomed out of eyes (teary) girl is in a different bed. (Location guys bedroom) - dark lighting.
  13. girl sits up on bed (shot starts when she is already half sitting up.
  14. Close up of girl looking at camera (door)
  15. Close up of the door
  16. Girl gets up
  17. shot of feet walking
  18. close up of body walking
  19. close up off face walking - all 3 quick shots
  20. opening door (birds eye view?)
  21. opening door from front (look down, up and then around the room.
  22. Camera panning through an empty room (Location kitchen)
  23. Girl and guy fade in (arguing?) how? pan camera around room, stop and hold. Characters get in shot.
  24. Girl walks out (passes the camera)
  25. Guy looks sad (close up)
  27. Girl laying in bed (Birds eye view)
  28. Camera pans around the room as she sings
  29. Cuts back to guy, sitting on the end of the bed (side view)
  30. Cuts to the girl singing
  31. Happy shots - cuts to the couple smiling


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